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All About Consuming FlaxSeed

How much flaxseed do you need to consume?

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Shiny, nutty seeds Flaxseeds are full of health-benefiting properties A regular dose of flaxseed will benefit your health to a huge extent. Experts and nutritionists alike recommend consuming a tablespoon of flaxseeds a day so that it will meet your essential daily nutritional requirement. Flaxseeds can be consumed in numerous ways. Learn more about it.

Just 1 tablespoon (7 grams) of ground flaxseed per day will be enough to benefit your health. But it’s good to limit your intake to around 4–5 tablespoons (28–35 grams) of flaxseed per day. With that, your body will get the appropriate amount of fiber. Also, often it’s recommended to Use two to three tablespoons of whole seed per serving. It will be a beneficial serving and won’t affect the flavor of your food.

How to consume it?

Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants, especially lignans. This is the reason why people consume it to get health benefits. Purchase flaxseed today and get a multitude of health benefits!

How to detox naturally with multi-floral honey?

Multifloral honey serves as a natural sweetener and is one of the healthiest items added to your daily nutrition. Multifloral honey, the healthiest part of your diet, supports your immune system. Researchers consider Multifloral honey a superfood because of its antibacterial and nutrient content.

Why Use Honey for Detox?


Multifloral Honey Health Benefits, Honey’s healing abilities help in healing wounds and also help prevent chronic health diseases. Honey for Weight management is one of the reasons why you should consider consuming Honey. It consists of imperative properties that guarantee detoxing process to hasten the process. The antimicrobial properties help in the detox process due to the low pH value, thickness, and hydrogen peroxide. A honey detox diet ensures that your body gets the essential nutrients and vitamins, including Vitamin B6, thiamine, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese, and more, to ensure constant energy flow. The honey detox diet frees your body from all impurities.

Method to Use Honey for Detox


The 3-day detox with a honey routine frees your body from toxic substances to feel fresh.

  • On the first day, cleanse your system with cinnamon and honey. Stir one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon in water. Boil the mixture in a saucepan and consume it every morning.
  • Take two tablespoons of pure honey and mix it with water or tea and consume it during the day whenever you are hungry. Don’t consume over 200g of honey per day equal to 600 calories.
  • Substitute your meals with honey and water or tea. But don’t consume other food.
  • Consume 9-10 glasses of liquid every day.
  • In case you find a three-day honey detox routine hard to follow, add one meal in a day and the other meals entirely on liquids infused with honey.

What is the reason you should consume Multifloral honey?

Multifloral honey is organic for a reason it’s extracted from nature and is loaded with nutrients offering several health benefits. Multifloral honey is loaded with various antioxidants that prevent inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation present in the body leads to serious and major health problems. multifloral honey, called a superfood, fights various health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and autoimmune diseases.

  • 100% NATURAL: Multifloral honey, naturally sourced from the forest, has amino acids, vitamins, minerals, natural enzymes, bee pollen, probiotics, and antioxidants is a boon for mankind.
  • AMAZING TASTE: The sweet nectar extracted from Multi-Flora doesn’t lose its authenticity, taste, and rich medicinal values.
  • PURITY: Unpasteurized, Unprocessed, and Unheated raw honey has No chemicals and added sugar as well as no additives.

Individuals who wish to lose weight must consume one spoon of multifloral honey with lemon juice in the morning for best results; people suffering from the common cold can also consume one spoon of Multifloral honey with garlic paste at night before going to bed. Consume honey consumed anytime as a replacement for sugar for general wellness.

Final words

Consume the honey for guaranteed Weight Management, Digestion Management, Energy Boost, Cold, and Cough. Try wellness teas and tisanes with honey to enhance the flavors as well.


How does Whey Protein help to Build Muscle Mass?

Whey protein is derived from cheese; it partially anyway mixes the globular proteins of whey with the liquid material. It turns out to be a by-product of cheese production and is commonly available in powder form. Have you been looking to build bigger muscles and finding putting on the bulk a struggle? If yes, then rest assured that the popular health supplement whey protein helps you build bigger muscles.

Why Should One Take Whey Protein?


Whey protein is often marketed to bodybuilders and sports professionals looking ensures helping them build up muscle mass soon enough. Also, it’s worth noting that there is a multitude of benefits to taking whey protein. They are as follows:

Building Muscle Mass and Improving Strength

Whey Protein Helps increase muscle mass and build strength. This is the reason that Athletes and bodybuilders primarily consume to improve their performance. To draw an understanding, it’s worth noting that the building block of muscles is an amino acid, and in this regard, whey protein provides a complete profile of amino acids that guarantee better muscle synthesis.

Whey protein rich in Leucine amino acid is one of the essential amino acids for building muscles and preventing their breakdown. Leucine found in the body is important to consume for the better building of the muscles. Whey protein, in this regard, serves as an essential nutrient. Fast absorption of whey, compared with other protein sources, ensures it will boost muscle repair post-workout. It turns out to be the most important aspect of improving strength. If you want to be consistent with workouts and push yourself harder, ensure that you are looking for a way to recover your body from fatigue quickly.

Controlling Hunger, Resulting in Fat Loss

Whey protein turns out to be highly satiating and will ensure keep you feeling full longer. That being said, it is a great supplement for the reason that it will save you from hunger pangs and eating unhealthy snacks. This is one of the prime reasons why whey protein has proven to help in fat loss. People consume overall fewer calories from food when they tend to consume whey on a regular basis.

So, it’s worth understanding the fact that Whey protein will be highly beneficial for shifting your calorie requirement from high-carb and high-fat food to a lean protein source, maintaining a balanced diet. Whey protein is not only meant for people who do a heavy workout but is also advisable for meeting daily protein needs, even for people with mild activity levels.

Best Protein Source for Vegetarians

Whey protein is highly beneficial also for the reason that it serves as the complete profile of amino acids for muscle growth, and this is the reason it has ranked highest in protein supplements. For vegetarians, whey protein is highly essential because it offers lean protein (high protein, low carb, and low fat). In addition to guaranteeing muscle strength and weight loss, whey protein has numerous health benefits, including the reduction of blood pressure, elevating insulin levels, and providing antioxidants in the body.

Final words

Fitness Enthusiasts and Athletes use trust Whey protein for muscle gain. So, buy it today to not only improve their performance but also increase muscle mass and build strength.

Green Tea Benefits for Skin

Green tea is a healthy beverage; when it comes to skin, green tea exhibits the potential to show miracles! In this blog, you will get to know the wonderful ways to use green tea for skin care. Its benefits for the skin are numerous, and this is the reason why people over the years have involved green tea in their skincare routine.

Prevention of premature aging: The active ingredients, as well as the essential antioxidants in green tea, combat the signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles. Active antioxidants protect the skin from environmental stressors. EGCG, one of the antioxidants, gently nourishes and protects the skin. Drinking two cups of green tea a day eliminates toxins in the body faster and slows the onset of fine lines, age spots, and wrinkles. When you Apply green tea to your face, it will help eliminates free radicals and rejuvenate the skin cells, helping you look younger.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea For Your Skin Care Routine


Hydration: green tea is a powerful hydrator and will work as a hydration powerhouse. Green tea seed oil is well known for its high concentration of nourishing and moisturizing properties. Also, green tea, rich in skin saviors vitamin E and fatty acids, strengthens your moisture barrier—which ensures attaining leading to glowing, smoother skin.

Brightening your skin: The pillars of skin health are factors “hydration” and “glow”. Green tea ensures amplifying both these hydration and glow factors. Green tea’s glow-getting effects can be attributed to its antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory profile. Pollution and UV damage cause skin cell damage, leading to dull skin. Green tea, in this regard, is an excellent ingredient that will help the skin fight against this damage. So be sure that green tea not only protects but also brightens your skin.

Controlling Oily Skin and fighting acne: The EGCG in green tea will be beneficial for skin health because it is anti-androgenic in nature. That being said, it regulates the production of androgens in the body, reducing oil or sebum production on the skin. Green tea possesses a polyphenolic compound, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), which serves as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound, helping prevent acne and other skin infections.

Final Words

Green tea contains caffeine, so consult your nutritionist before you are consuming. So, include green tea in the skincare regime if you want to get healthy and flawless skin. Are you struggling with excess oil or breakouts? If yes, then involve green tea as a worthy addition to your skincare routine. Also, it will be perfect because it will unclog your pores by mitigating excessive sebum production. It’s soothing, and there will be lesser chances of provoking irritation or leading to further breakouts.

Breakfast Cereal Reviews

Cereals are popularly consumed as the breakfast recipe throughout the world. In this regard, it can be stated that there are different types of cereals! Also, learn about why to prefer muesli.

Cereals are packed with vitamins and minerals. Also, most of them are packed with proteins, fiber, and carbohydrates, which ensure that they serve as a super-healthy food option. Grain consumed in large amounts is served in most families as an everyday staple food. Cereal grains are popular globally!

In 1863, a religiously conservative vegetarian, James Caleb Jackson, who ran a medical sanitarium in western New York, created a breakfast cereal in which he included graham flour dough that was dried and broken into shapes to be soaked in milk overnight. Then he named it granular.

Here are some of the important breakfast cereals and their reviews that go from generation to generation with added power and benefits:


Rice, a staple food, serves as a very filling and ideal gluten-free meal option. Rice nutrient-rich food improves overall health. Also, it is anti-inflammatory and rich in fiber. Cereal provides energy to the body.


Corn, a very popular cereal among Americans, finds use in many parts of the world. One of the oldest types of cereals known serves as a very healthy breakfast option in the form of cornflakes. The cereal option aids in digestion as it has a high fiber content. The cereal option is best for fulfilling the body’s nutritional requirements. Also, it promotes heart health.


Oats or oatmeal, consumed as porridge, comes in various forms. Also, you can consume it in a lot of ways. Oats, a very trendy breakfast these days, are available in different flavors and according to your taste end pocket! It guarantees weight management as well, improves digestion, and prevents constipation. Also, the option is the best fit for the improvement of blood sugar levels.


Rye, typically grown in cold climatic conditions, finds use in the production of alcoholic drinks. The high antioxidant content in the cereal ensures that it will serve as a popular option. Also, it ensures lowering cholesterol levels.


Sorghum, a cost-effective and popular cereal, is known as great millet or jowar. It helps in cooking versatile dishes and ensures the prevention of chronic diseases. Antioxidants in the cereal reduce inflammation.


Wheat aids in digestion. Cereal rich in heart-healthy nutrients helps in reducing the risk of obesity.


Quinoa protein-dense cereal is loaded with nine amino acids. The cereal Fortifies iron and proteins and ensures the prevention of heart diseases.


Cornflakes, a breakfast cereal made using maize or corn, consist of toasted and flattened flakes of corn.


Muesli serves as a protein-rich cereal food that is popular among fitness lovers and health-conscious people. Dietary fiber and essential nutrients that are present in the cereal aid in digestion. Muesli is the best cereal that guarantees weight loss as it is incredibly low in calories!

Final Words

There are numerous cereal options for breakfast, but muesli is an option that lets you enjoy good health on a budget. The breakfast cereal that contains oats, seeds, nuts, and dried fruits is a better pick compared to sugary breakfast cereals. So, involve it in your breakfast today to aid your digestion, feel fuller, and protect your heart.

Finest ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Healthily

It’s important to note that your kids aren’t born with a craving for tasty and junk foods. The condition happens over time as they’re exposed to more and unhealthier food choices. Reprogram your children’s food preferences to let them crave healthier foods instead. Also, you don’t need to stay worried if your child has been diagnosed with a mental health problem; here, get to know how to get them more interested in healthy, helping them to manage the symptoms and regain their health condition

Disguise the taste of foods that are healthy 

The option you can opt for is adding vegetables to a beef stew. Also, add the mashed carrots with mashed potato. Also, opt for adding sweet dip to slices of apple. Introduce wholesome, nutritious choices into a child’s diet that will develop a healthy relationship with food. You don’t need to take tension as the method will be simpler and less time-consuming. Some great examples falling under the healthy choices include muesli, oats, nuts, and multigrain cookies. Instill healthy eating habits that will give your kids the best opportunity to grow into healthy adults.

Cook meals at home

You shouldn’t opt for keeping your kids glued to the dining table by serving Restaurant and takeout meals. Always note that the outside meals have added sugar and unhealthy fat. The best way to offer them healthier and tastier meals is by cooking at home. Opting for cooking large batches, cooking a few times will be enough to feed your family for the whole week.

Let them prepare their own plates

Letting your children take control of their plate is one of the finest ways to let them experiment with the meals and get them interested in trying new foods. Most kids with this practice will be willing to add healthy foods to their plates; in the process, monitor that their Meals should include protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, fruit, and milk or calcium-rich foods. In this way, they will be getting the nutritional components they need.

Introducing gateway foods

Children are suspicious of new things, and in this way, they get the option to try many healthy foods. The tip you need to follow is to Combine new foods with healthy options your child prefers. The first five years of life are essential for the kind, and that’s when they’re learning what, when and how much to eat. They also get the option to learn the cultural practices and attitudes of the family, and there will be an opportunity for them to add healthier options to their meal.

Final Words

Following these tips will keep away the chances of picky eating compromising your child’s growth and development. But if it doesn’t go the way suggested, it’s a good idea to consider recording the types and amounts your child eats for three days. Then put into practice the healthier food habits.

History of Breakfast Cereal

Breakfast cereal, which is actually a grain food, is usually a precooked or ready-to-eat meal. The method of consuming it involves mixing it with milk or cream. In the United States and elsewhere, people often consume Muesli with Oats sweetened with sugar, syrup, or fruit.

The modern commercial concept of Breakfast Cereal originated in the vegetarian beliefs of the American Seventh-day Adventists. In the 1860s, they formed the Western Health Reform Institute. But, later, they renamed it the Battle Creek Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan.

The origin

Ground, thin-baked cereal dough served to the sanitarium’s patients was the firm form of cereal that inspired two men, C.W. Post and W.K. Kellogg.

In 1863, a religiously conservative vegetarian, James Caleb Jackson, ran a medical sanitarium in western New York. He created a breakfast cereal from graham flour dough dried and broken into shapes hard to be soaked in milk overnight, which is referred to as granula.

The origin story is actually a very adult one. The first cold cereal had got an introduction in 1863 when a religious conservative vegetarian and health spa proprietor James Caleb Jackson created what he called “granula.” He made that out of graham flour.

John Harvey Kellogg, a religious vegetarian and sanitarium owner, introduced his own version of “granula.” he named it “granola” when Jackson threatened to sue.

Kellogg got the inspiration for granola from his concern about proper bowel movements, especially due to his preoccupation with masturbation, which caused epilepsy, mood swings, and acne.

All he knew was that there was a need for a well-balanced diet devoid of spices, flavors, and sugar, and she did that with the involvement of cornflakes.

In the 1910s, the Quaker Oat Company manufactured Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice inventions.

Other forms of cereals soon followed. The Ralston Purina company developed Wheat Chex. Cheerios, originally called Cheeri-Oats, was born at the exact right time: 1941. Cereal was the best option for the tired, frustrated housewives to quickly and wholesomely feed families.

Americans began eating more cereal during the post-WWII baby boom, and in’80s, once the birth rate went down, cereal consumption went down.

Cereals spread around the globe. Cereals became popular in the 1960s.

Following the Second World War, breakfast cereal manufacturers started predominantly presenting children in advertisements.

The milestones covered:

  • Mid to Late 19th Century

In 1863, James Caleb Jackson, who ran a medical sanitarium, created a breakfast cereal from graham flour dough broken into shapes so as to be soaked in milk overnight. He referred it to as granula, later granola. A former Kellogg patient, C.­W. Post, created Grape-Nuts.

  • The 1900s

Kellogg and his younger brother, Will Keith Kellogg, created Corn Flakes.

  • The 1910s

The Quaker Oats Company forced rice grains to explode under pressure and started marketing Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat.

  • The 1920s

A health clinician spilled a wheat bran mixture onto a hot stove, which created Wheaties.

  • The 1930s

The Ralston Purina company introduced Wheat Chex, referring to it as Shredded Ralston.

  • The 1940s

Cheerios appeared as CheeriOats, the best-selling cereal in America.

  • The 1950s

After World War II, cereal consumption increased. Kellogg’s invented Frosted Flakes and Tony the Tiger.

  • The 1970s

Post’s Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles were competitors. Granola began its commercial comeback.

  • The 1980s

Donkey Kong, Smurf-Berry Crunch, and Cabbage Patch Kids cereals appeared. California Raisins promoted Post Raisin Bran.

  • The 1990s

Puffins, a molasses-sweetened corn cereal, debuted as organic food. It was followed by the introduction of Gorilla Munch.

  • The 2000s

Kellogg’s acquired the Kashi line. The cereals became targets for consumers demanding more transparency.

Final Words

With so much evolution and adoption, Gaia comes with a range of highly nutritious breakfast cereals to fulfill the health requirements of the abundance of people across the globe. Free of genetically modified organisms and gluten, Gaia breakfast cereals have carved a niche in the industry and have reached many households to provide nutrient-packed meals.

Why choose Ghee over Butter in aspects of healthiness?

Detaining all rumors about ghee, here are some points on how it is healthy food and better than butter.

The A2 Cow Ghee is patronizing and healthier, and it is fully packed with various nutrients like Vitamin A and essential fatty acids that are beneficial for the body. It is made from the A2 milk from the native cows – ‘Rathi’ and ‘Sahiwal.’ Using the traditional practices, the ghee is whipped from curd but not the cream, and it is also made to ensure that it is pure and has retained all necessary nutrients. It is very easy to digest, and the essential fatty acids help balance cholesterol levels.


Ghee has made an excellent comeback in every kitchen in India with its nutritional properties and nutritional values. The pure heat clarified fat is obtained by heating butter made from a cow’s milk or a buffalo. We can say it as a clarified form of butter. Usually, it is used in Indian cooking. Ghee, like A2 Cow Ghee also, has been used for medicinal purposes in the Ayurveda (Indian medicinal system).

Though ghee is rich in fat, it has a rich content of high concentrations of monounsaturated Omega-3s. These fatty acids maintain a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Research has proven that having ghee as a part of a balanced diet can help decrease unhealthy cholesterol levels.

Nutritional Differences between Ghee and Butter





            123 cals

          100 cals


            14 gms

            11 gms

Saturated fat

            9 gms

            7 gms

Monounsaturated fat  

            4 gms

            3 gms

Polyunsaturated fat    

            0.5 gms

            0.5 gms

Vitamin A       

            13% of DV

            11% of DV

Vitamin E

            3% of DV

            2% of DV

Vitamin K

            1% of DV

            1% of DV

Why choose Ghee over Butter?

  • A2 Cow Ghee benefits are why it is chosen instead of butter. Another reason is its high smoke point, the temperature at which fats become volatile and start to smoke.
  • It is very beneficial for lactose-intolerant people as it does not contain milk sugar, lactose, or milk protein casein.
  • Ghee contains CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), which helps to fight cancer. CLA resists cardiovascular diseases as well as cancer.
  • It is hugely healthier than butter in terms of nutritional value.
  • The energy content of butter is 717 Kcal per 100 grams, along with 51% of saturated fats and 3 grams of trans fats. At the same time, Ghee has an energy content of 900 Kcal per 100 grams of serving with 60% saturated fats and no trans fats.
  • Even ghee is used in various types of medications in India.

Final words

Ghee is now at the top of the trending page as the new superfood. It provides certain cooking advantages over butter. Ghee is a natural food which medicinal and culinary uses. If the ghee is consumed in healthy and monitored doses, it is very beneficial for health, as said by various nutritionists worldwide.

An Ultimate Guide for those who want to take Whey Protein

Whey Protein has gained much attention lately for the multitude of benefits it offers. The best form of protein, Whey protein, has more digestibility than other proteins.

Concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate from whey protein are common. Consuming whey protein boost the performance of fitness enthusiasts and build muscles.

Whey Protein: The general idea

Whey protein, a mixture of proteins isolated from whey, is a by-product of cheese production. The proteins include α-lactalbumin, β-lactoglobulin, serum albumin, and immunoglobulins. Glycomacropeptide also is the third-largest component but is not a protein.

Whey protein, a fast-digesting protein, gets easily absorbed by your body.

What is the purpose of consuming whey?

Consuming Whey Protein every day serves as a supplement to cover up protein deficiencies. In addition to that, it solves the problem of malnutrition. Moreover, the protein enhances athletic performance and body composition.

Before absorption of the protein, the digestive enzymes break it down into the form of amino acids. Amino acids then get distributed in different combinations, thus forming new proteins used for building muscles, hormones, enzymes, and other elements.

Nine essential amino acids, a high quantity of cysteine, and leucine make whey protein vital. Protein sources offering leucine turn out to be the greatest determinant of muscle protein synthesis. This is one of the prime reasons why fitness enthusiasts consider whey protein the most desired and in-demand protein for gym-goers.

Nutritional value

  • 32g of the average whey protein powder (1 scoop) comprises 113Cal. Out of that, 4.5% is from the fat content.
  • Per serving, the total fat content is 0.5g; out of that, saturated fat is 0.3g.
  • Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fat is 0.1g each.
  • 5.1mg of Cholesterol per serving meets 2% of your daily need.
  • 50mg is Sodium, meeting 2% of your regular nutrition value.
  • 160mg Potassium; fulfills 5% of your regular potassium needs.
  • 2g is Total Carbohydrate, and out of that, 1% is made up of dietary fiber.
  • 25g is the total protein content. In that assessed amount of whey protein powder, get 12% Calcium and 2% Iron.

Benefits of consuming whey protein 

Increased strength and muscle mass

Whey protein increases muscle mass and strength. Anabolic hormones such as insulin guarantee muscle growth. Leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Protein and amino acids boost muscle growth.

Protection Against Eczema and Allergic Conditions

Infants who consume Whey protein in the 3–12-month time period from birth are at lower risk of developing red, itchy skin.

Eat Lesser

Whey protein contains every macronutrient that ensures balancing the number of calories. The protein boosts your metabolism, shrinks your appetite, and preserves lean muscle.

Regulating Blood Pressure

Whey protein powder helps control hypertension and reduces blood pressure.

Final Words

Whey proteins, an excellent source of high protein, promote muscle growth and enhance the body’s antioxidant defenses. The high satiating (filling) factor has also increased its demand. So, buy the high-quality Gaia whey protein to get the all-around benefits, including increased stamina and lowered cholesterol.

Why choose Digestive Cookies over normal ones?

Digestive cookies are popular these days as a part of a healthy diet. They are gaining the attention of health enthusiasts. A decent amount of fiber has made people claim that digestive biscuits improve digestion. They manage blood sugar levels. But still, people question whether digestive biscuits are healthy enough or not? Some even question whether it’s good to consider them a healthy substitute for regular biscuits? Before you address these queries, get a detailed insight into the nutrition facts, digestive cookies benefits, and possible positive and negative effects of digestive biscuits

Ingredients in Digestive Biscuits

Most digestive biscuits contain nutrients as follows:

  • Coarse Brown Wheat Flour gives the biscuit a distinctive texture and flavor.
  • Sugar is used in the granulated form for a sweet flavor. In addition to that, it gives a tender texture to the biscuit.
  • Vegetable Oil keeps the biscuits moist.
  • Wholemeal serves as a source of fiber.
  • Malt Extract improves the crispness, texture, and taste.
  • Raising Agents create a fluffy crumb. Sodium bicarbonate is the major ingredient that finds use as a raising agent.
  • Salt enhances the taste.
  • Some biscuit variants also contain oatmeal dried whey, cultured skimmed milk, as well as powdered nuts.

Nutritional Values (Per 100 Grams)

  • Energy: 478 calories
  • Fat: 21 grams
  • Protein: 7 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 62 grams
  • Dietary Fiber: 3 grams
  • Sugar: 16 grams
  • Sodium: 500 mg

Digestive cookies benefits:

  • Reduced acidity:

Digestive biscuits with Sodium-bi-carbonate and baking soda than normal biscuits work as an antacid. Thus the biscuits control the acidity problems naturally. Also, the digestive cookies keep away stomach-related problems.

  • Fighting constipation:

Digestive biscuits have fiber which regulates bowel movements. Digestive cookies have malic acid helping keep away the constipation problem. Also, these biscuits offer much relief from stomach issues.

  • Losing weight:

Digestive biscuits will make it easier to lose weight. Dietary fibers won’t make you feel hungry for a long time. These biscuits will keep away the chances of overeating.

  • Energy Provider:

Eat digestive biscuits when you’re tired enough. The snacks boost your body with immense energy to work properly. Carbohydrate in digestive cookies keeps you healthy and energetic.

Why choose Digestive Cookies over the normal ones?

These cookies contain more white(wheat) flour than other whole flour. Digestive biscuits offer a significant amount of fiber which the further cookies did not provide. From the name itself, These biscuits have digestive properties, which the other cookies didn’t have. They also provide vitamins and minerals besides sodium which the others don’t offer.


Gaia’s digestive cookies are the best alternative for unhealthy low, nutrition cookies which are high in fat. They are specially mixed to protect your system with the goodness of prebiotics while providing the daily fiber requirements. helps in giving relief to heartburn and stomach pains. Enjoy these crispy bites of Gaia digestive cookies as a perfect tea-time snack any time of the day.

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